What is the Gujarat Bank of Wisdom?

The Honorable Chief Minister receives suggestions and feedback from various segments of people coming from different backgrounds. Some of these suggestions have the potential to benefit the people of Gujarat if discussed, analyzed, a framework created, and the suggestions implemented.

So the Gujarat Bank of Wisdom was born to make it easy for people to send in their ideas and for quick retrieval of sound advice. In fact, this is the hallmark of good governance. It helps us build our society through continuous improvement.

The Gujarat Bank of Wisdom is aimed at collecting, crystallizing, and conceptualizing ideas and suggestions to bring them to the level of implementation. Information Technology is a very convenient and effective tool to avail oneself of academic, expert, and research inputs from individuals and organizations as well as from laypersons in a speedy and effective manner. The Gujarat Bank of Wisdom is a forum on the Internet that makes this happen.

Can I give my suggestion?


Great insights are not the domain of a few experts. Many times they come to people with an outsider’s view. Whether you are a teacher or a parent, an expert on irrigation, or a woman with ideas on empowerment, the Government of Gujarat welcomes you.

How do I give my suggestion?

Please register yourself on the homepage. This will help us have a fruitful interaction with you. Then select the discussion board in which you want to provide your suggestion. Now, mention the subject and your suggestion in the form provided. Then click on “Submit your suggestion”. You can submit more suggestions by repeating this procedure. A monthly online forum discussing topics of importance will be launched soon.


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