Collection of Cheques

Standard Time norms for collection of cheques. An instrument is drawn on local banks coming under Clearing House – within 3 days. An outstation instrument is drawn on and collected at 4 Metros (between 2 of 4 metros) namely Mumbai, Chennai, New Delhi, and Calcutta – within 7 days.

Outstation instruments drawn on State Capital and other Centres having more than 100 bank branches, within 10 days. Outstation instruments drawn on other centers/places – within 14 days.

Delay in collection

In case there is a delay in the collection of outstation instruments beyond 10/14 days, Bank shall pay penal interest at the rate applicable for the appropriate tenor of fixed deposit. For abnormal delay caused, a bank shall pay penal interest at the rate of 2% above the fixed deposit rate applicable for the period. All dishonored instruments are returned/despatched to the customers within 24 hours of their receipt at the branches of the bank where they are tendered for collection.


Demand Drafts

Procedure: Person intending to purchase Demand Draft shall fill up the application form available at the branch with particulars such as name and address of the beneficiary (payee) Name of the branch drawn on, name and address, and account number (if any) of the person purchasing.

The extent of Cash Transaction: Remittances against tender of cash shall be restricted to Rs.50,000/- at the discretion of the bank, as per RBI guidelines in force from time to time. remittance beyond Rs.50,000/- can be made only against tendering of cheques/debits of the account at the branch.

A purchaser is entitled to the issuance of a duplicate Draft in place of the lost instrument and the same will be subject to confirmation by the drawee branch that the payment has not already been effected. execution of indemnity signed by both the payee and purchaser in the prescribed form duly stamped and

Payment of Draft: Payment of a DD is made by the branch on which the DD is drawn (Drawee branch) Payment of DD for Rs.50,000/- and above can be made only through banking channels and not in cash.

Pension Disbursement:

Senior Citizens can draw their pensions through the branches of the Bank which are authorized to pay Civil/Defence/Railway/Freedom Fighter/Telecom/State Government Pensions. Pension is to be disbursed during the last four working days of the month except in March when pension will be paid on the first working day of April. Pensioners are exempted from maintaining minimum prescribed balances in their pension accounts. They may also avail the services at Senior Citizens Counters at designated centers of the Bank.

Exchange of Soiled/Mutilated notes:

The bank is authorized to effect free exchange facilities for tendering soiled and slightly mutilated notes as per regulations of the Reserve Bank of India at our branches.


Grievance Redressal

It is the endeavor of the Bank to provide the best customer service. However, in cases where customers have any difficulty or complaint, they may bring the matter to the notice of the branch manager for quick redressal of their complaint. Customers and other bank users may note the following avenues available for redressal of their grievances.

Lodging of a complaint with the branch in the “Complaint Book” available with the Manger. Duplicate/tear-off portion to be received by the complainant as acknowledgment. Suggestion/complaint box can be used for dropping complaints.

Written representation to the Zonal Manager at the concerned Zonal office and or to the General Manager, Customer Service dept, Andhra Bank, Head Office, Dr. Pattabhi Bhavan, Saifabad, Hyderabad 500 004. A written complaint can be sent to Indian Bank’s Association, Stadium House, 6th Floor, Block-3, Veer Nariman Road, Mumbai 400 020.

A written complaint can be sent to Reserve Bank of India, DBOD, Centre-1, World Trade Centre, Colaba, Mumbai 400 005.

A written complaint can be sent to the Directorate of Public Grievances, Department of Administrative Reforms, and Public Grievances, Government of India, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110 001.

The customer’s grievance if remains unresolved even after 2 months of writing to the bank for redressal, the customer can also seek redressal by filing a complaint with the Banking Ombudsman of the concerned state, whose name, address. In such cases, the complainant as per Ombudsman’s office procedure must have made at least one representative to the bank previously and could not get the grievance redressed properly. Moreover, such grievance should not be more than one year old.

Customer Service Centres operate in the state capitals and are run jointly by the local participating banks. The Bank coordinates one Centre in Hyderabad with contact No.040-3234313 (Direct/Fax) for getting the complaints redressed pertaining to branches of public sector banks located in twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad.

Grievance Redressal Machinery: Branch Manager, Zonal Head make themselves available to meet the customers on 15th of every month (working day) between 3.00 PM and 5.00 PM at the office. Customers can call on Chairman and Managing Director of the Bank on 15th of every month (working day) at Head Office, Hyderabad between 3.00 PM and 5.00 PM. Each branch shall constitute a customer service committee which shall hold periodic meetings with the customers. A customer desirous of participating in such meetings may intimate to the Branch Manager.

Bank Performance as of 31st March 2000

Bank registers all-time high Net Profit of Rs.120.59crores, a 33.93% increase

Bank’s Total Business crosses the 20,000 crore mark by reaching Rs.20,253 crores with a growth rate of 33.10% over the previous year.


Total deposits of the Bank touched Rs.14,418 crores-an impressive growth of 38.12%

Net Bank credit stood at Rs.5,835 crores-an increase of 22.15%

Investments of the Bank at Rs.7,648 crores- an increase of 53.57% over last year. The Bank has “marked to market” 100% of its approved securities

Bank’s Priority Sector Advances stood at 44.48% of Adjusted Net Bank credit, which is above the stipulated norm of 40%.


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