Credit Facilities

The Bank caters to the credit needs of all segments of the society for establishing/carrying business/trade, Services, Large, Medium, and Small Industries, Transport including professionals. Specialized branches of the Bank exclusively cater to the specific needs of the customers.

Credit Facilities & Nomination facilities

All our national priorities are well taken care of by providing credit to Priority Sector such as Agriculture (both direct and indirect). Retail Trade, Small Business, Self Employed, Housing Loans, Educational Loans and under Govt. sponsored schemes like PMRY, SJSRY, SGSY, SHG, etc. aimed at upliftment of the poor and needy.

The Bank will process the proposals within a reasonable time, depending upon the availability of the respective information. The Indian Contract Act provides that the liability of the guarantor/surety is co-extensive with that of the principal debtor and the bank has the right to recover its dues from either of them singly or jointly.

International Finance:


All details relating to Foreign Exchange rates and charges will be made available to customers at branches specifically dealing with International Banking business including cross-border payments. The above details will however be subject to the statutory requirements applicable to International Finance and Trade and Foreign Exchange.

Issuance of Acknowledgements to the loan applicants:

At all branches of our Bank, the loan applicants can get acknowledgment for their applications handed over to Manage/Sub-Manager for future reference.

Safe Deposit Lockers

Safe Deposit Locker facility is provided by the bank at certain branches where safe deposit vaults are installed. Lockers are hired out by the bank only on its properly introduced individual customers either singly or in joint names as per the priority and availability. The allottees of the locker will have to pay the annual rent as per norms of the bank in advance for one year and they are suggested in their own interest and for convenience to open a fixed deposit with interest sufficient to cover the annual rentals payable. Access to safe deposit vault remains to open up to 1 hour before closure of working hours of the branch on all working days. The hirer is to be present for opening the locker and must sign the attendance register. Instructions can be given regarding the mode of operation of the vault.

Nomination facilities

Nomination facilities are available to all depositors and locker hirers (individual capacity) in both single and joint accounts. Nominations can be made by the depositor(s) in favor of a person to receive the amount lying to the credit of depositor(s) on the death of the depositor. Nomination once made can be changed during the lifetime of the depositor(s). The nominee can be an individual only and not an association, a society, a trustee, and other organization or office bearer in his official capacity. 

A minor can be a nominee but during the period the minor does not attain majority, the natural guardian will receive the amount on the minor’s behalf. It is important to note that the right of the nominee to receive payment from the bank arises only after the death of the depositor in a single account and on the death of all depositors in the case of the joint account. In joint account nomination and its modification can only be made by all the depositors / Account holders jointly. Individual instructions for nomination or change in nomination in joint accounts cannot be accepted by the Bank.

Settlement of claims to the accounts of the deceased Depositors.


In accounts where nomination has not been made settlement of balances in the accounts of the deceased is done by way of the claim form available with the branches. All the heirs have to submit the claim form jointly and also submit the required documentation including indemnity, death certificate, etc for speedy settlement of the claims(s).


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